"The apple" 2020 . (Photographer: Jordi Coppers)
Gestural Symbol & Traces of Communication : A Touch Beyond Surface
( MA Fine Arts Project)
Simon Delobel
Hans Op de Beeck
Nel Aerts
Emmanuel Depoorter
Simon Delobel
Hans Op de Beeck
Nel Aerts
Emmanuel Depoorter
I was born (1990°) in Patos de Minas ,Brazil (BR/NL/EU), and have been living in Ghent for some time now. It has been a home for me, and still feels like that today.
I started my practice in painting and I carry my background with compassion in my production of new works, that can materialize in many different forms.
Through associative thought processes that connect the everyday and that which is fascinating, shining new light into the overlooked & commonplace, my works capture an experience I want to share.
They can be perceived as artifacts, with an embedded story. Establishing a network with multiple connections of fragments, or symbolic meanings, and forming a composition reminiscent of poems.
They can be perceived as artifacts, with an embedded story. Establishing a network with multiple connections of fragments, or symbolic meanings, and forming a composition reminiscent of poems.
Most times my works develop as an archipelago where each island also has its own tale to tell, holding its ground when it is experienced or shown individually.
Inviting to that poetic dimension, and not often “solely a aesthetic experiment”, they are ultimately hidden clues to be deciphered. Metaphors for the imagination and reflection. Encouraging viewers to make their own associations and invent their own narratives in order to unravel the complexities staged or presented.

“ Not that the works are themselves lessons but every new experience brings with it the potential to teach. “
In one of my first walks around the campus, to get to know the place better at the beginning of the year, I was very lucky to come across the apple trees in the gardens of Bijlloke. It was a special moment… But at the time I just thought to myself “how nice, and poetic this feels” without thinking too much about it, bringing some of those apples to my atelier and placing them on one of my tables.
They soon became a great source of inspiration & discovery, also one of my main subject matters with which I worked the whole year round.