Johannes Obers

Born °1990, Patos de Minas, MG -BR (Brasil / Brazil) ,

 Lives and works in Ghent – BE (Belgium) .

2021*    EMA - Educatieve Master in de Audiovisuele en Beeldende Kunsten - LUCA School of Arts , Ghent, BE
2021      MA   - Vrije Kunsten, BK - KASK _ Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten , Ghent, BE
2017*     MA   - Vrije Kunsten, BK - LUCA School of Arts , Ghent, BE
2017       BA    - Beeldende Kunsten, BK - Schilderkunst - LUCA School of Arts , Ghent, BE
2011       KSO  - VBK - SKI Secundair Kunstinstituut Ottogracht , Ghent, BE (Eng.: Secondary Art Institute/ High school)


2023 -{???}- ****** (project)_ KIOSKKIOSK / Indigopad - Bloemekenswijk, Ghent - BE (solo)
2022 Mark Macken Prijs 2022 (Selected)_ Artos_ Monument - Kunstencampus Turnova - Stedelijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Turnhout - BE (group)
2022 EXPO.exp 01 "BE-living" (Project)_ Vitrines ABVV Building / Mersenierstraat, Ghent - BE (solo)
2020 ZOMERSALON 2020 'BUY LOCAL'_ Kunsthal Gent , Ghent - BE (group)
2021 GRADUATION 2020-2021 KASK (_Kunstenfestival)_ Campus Bijloke / Kask , Ghent - BE (group)
2019 Zeno XXX 🄶🅁🄰🄽🄳 🄾🄿🄴🄽🄸🄽🄶 *(Grand Opening)_ Zeno XXX Gallery, Ghent - BE (group)
2019 Mixed Reality Storytelling Festival 2019 "What about Happiness?!"- Compagnie Collage_ Wasserij der Vlaanderen, Ghent- BE (group)
2017 ArtEcU: ”Gentse Feesten” - EcoCentrum, Ghent - BE. (group)
17 Sisyphean mither : "Sssokkel voor de Sukkelaar"- Sokkel_ LUCA School of Arts, Ghent - BE. (solo)
2017 Out of the Studio #2_ Land van Waas, Ghent- BE. (group)
2017 SOUVENIR SHOP_ LUCA School of Arts, Ghent - BE. (group)
2016 TIG#4 TUMULT_ LUCA School of Arts, Ghent - BE. (group)
2016 Graduation Show 3BA_ LUCA School of Arts, Ghent - BE. (group)
2015 SHOTS 002_ LUCA School of Arts, Ghent - BE. (group)
2015 IPP-12_ Croxhapox, Ghent - BE. (group/invitation by artist)
2015 Opendeurdag – Schildekunst/ “Painters Expo” - Sokkel_ LUCA School of Arts, Ghent - BE (group)
2015 NOWHERE, Nowhere - NTBF. (group)
2015 Eindejaars Expo BA_ LUCA School of Arts, Ghent - BE (group)
2015 ARTISJ INTERN_ Fabriek Noord, Antwerp - BE (group)
2014 REVISITED: The Young Ones - SKI, Ghent - BE (group)
2014 “MEMORIA VISUAL - ME Brasil”_ Embaixada Do Brasil (BR); Brazilian Embassy, Brussel - BE (group)
2011 GIP Exhibition: SKI Ottogracht “Selected Works”, Ghent - BE (group)
2011 “Pátria Dúbia” : Exposição Unipam, Patos de Minas - BR (duo)
2010 [tc] Foundation Project, Bat Yam Art Gallery, Israel - ISR (group/collection)

2012 - 2014
“Studio TVDB” - High fashion clothing brand, Mode & Fashion Design
-Events: Paris -, Berlin - & London Fashion Week (and others)
+Premium Young Designer Award ; +Winner
Re-imagine Design Challenge
*in collaboration with label TVDB (Tom van Der Borght -